Sunday, January 3, 2016

Chewing gum and chocolate

              Chewing gum is the delicious sweets .People used to eat that .It is popular sweet .

Until you chew it finish, you put it in to tissue paper.Sometime,it is stained on car ,shoe or anything.It is difficult to separate it . Someone use ice to freeze it and use tool to separate but this process make trail . It is not a good way .Now ,we will tell you a easy and good way to do.

The helper is chocolate .It is not expensive thing and can solute chewing gum.I am sure ,you doubt "How it soluting? "

First Chewing gum is made from  gum  of plant .The molecule in gum connect by bond and the chocolate is a lipid .Lipid can destroy the bond between molecule of gum. It is the reason why  chocolate can help you separate chewing gum and anything


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