Sunday, January 31, 2016

Count Number

         News agency ABC reported result and believable evidence that some type of plants have some ability similar to animals too even through plant don't have brain but from this research this time bring us to know that these carnivorous plants can count number at least 1-5 from this benefit project leader describe that carnivorous plants such as Dionaea muscipula can in area of ensnare weapon
            from this experiment which look at the flies come stay on the plant show how plant can count related to this
so we  know that in first time:the weapon is warm up mode second:the weapon spread out in area that reach threshold third:ensnare weapon close forth:The plant release hormone that involved to digesting system Fifth:gland in the ensnare weapon release enzyme and matter to transport nutrient
             these mechanism help the plant  living mostly plant will not response immediately in first step because victim could escape or too small therefore the count can tell it about  size and information of the victim for maximum benefit.

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